Free Air Valve Seminar for 1 CPD Point

Do You Know Everything There Is To Know About Air Valves?

Air valves generally constitute a small cost to the total value of a pipeline project but if incorrectly selected, sized and positioned, could result directly or indirectly into a host of pipeline destructive phenomena including Surge, Waterhammer, corrosion and high energy consumption. The last 20 years has seen a great amount of research on air in pipelines and the characteristics of air valves.

AIRFLO introduces a free Continuous Development Points (CDP) bearing course that takes and in-depth look at issues such as energy consumption, Vacuum and Surge and Waterhammer as it relates to air valve selection, Sizing and Positioning and leaves the delegate with the tools to size and position from 1st principles and a better understanding of the available air valve technologies and their impact on the Surge and Waterhammer phenomena. The ultimate aim of the course is on the most economic, efficient and effective employment of air valves on pipelines.

Course Summary Review:

  • The behaviour of air in pipelines
  • A review of air valve technology
  • Air valve Sizing and Positioning theory and practice
  • Air valves Sizing and Pipeline Materials Selection
  • Air valves and Surge and Waterhammer
  • Air valve chamber design

We will conduct a full seminar at your convenience and on your premises at no cost or obligation. Contact us

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